You know how you have those friends who you rarely see but they surprise you when they arrive with their virtual pom-pom, cheerleading? They’re worth their weight in gold. As I type that, so many faces appear in my mind and you know darn well who you are.
One of those people also happens to be, Dawn Boyer. And actually, I’ve never met her face-to-face but we’ve collaborated on numerous projects over the years. She’s neck deep in homeschooling and you’d never guess how old her kids are by her profile picture. Fountain of youth that girl is (<<think, Yoda voice).
But more than that, she is gracious and kind and reaches out just when a writer friend needs oomph under her launching wings. But you need to be a writer to need a Dawn in your life.Oh, and her website is called Journeys in Grace. Who couldn’t use more grace?
Today, I’m at her place with a guest post titled Positioning Yourself for a Purposeful Life (& One Thing That Trumps Fear). Also don’t miss her giveaway. Leave a comment and you’re entered for a chance to win a FREE print copy of, A Life of Creative Purpose (within the U.S.).
Dawn also wrote a review, some of which she said:
“I am blessed by the way God’s Sovereign grace provides for us when we don’t even know we need it because Tammy’s book was exactly that for me. It was a much needed vitamin of grace for my sometimes feeble questioning heart.
“Say yes when invited… Don’t deny God’s open door just because you doubt your ability.”
But I think the most important concept I took from her words were that our gifts are not just for us. What if our creative gifts are also the way that others can live free as well?
“Your Spirit-filled, creative driven life frees others to commit themselves to their callings. ~A Life of Creative Purpose”
What if we really saw the distribution the way God sees it? You know, the way He sees the gifts He has given each of us collectively? Would we begin to see the purpose for them, to see why one of us is skilled to serve one way and another was blessed to serve another?
I can’t encourage you enough to invest in Tammy’s book. You’ll be so glad you did.”
I’d love for you to join me as I guest post and enter your chance for a FREE print copy. You’ll also read where I found the power and purpose which forced my faith, and eventually my courage, to rise to the top in: Positioning Yourself for a Purposeful Life (& One Thing that Trumps Fear).

January 6, 2017
Hi Tammy! It’s nice to meet you through Dawn’s blog. This looks like a good read for a creative person like myself. Blessings on your book launch!