“I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13 NIV
In the scriptures, 241 times in the New King James, “fear not” or “do not fear” appeared in the Bible. 241 times, God took His people into their calling, their purpose, or their next step which required more than their own strength (and courage) to fulfill. 241 times, His people saw glimpses of what He had in store and it seemed too impossible, too big, too fantastical for their imaginations to fathom. 241 times, His people felt the weight of where He was taking them and fear was right there trying to hold them back.
But God.
Amy and I get vulnerable and honest about our most debilitating fears. We share about how fear can teach us about ourselves. But how fear does not get to dictate what we will or will not do when God calls.
PurposeFULL Living originally airs every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on @graceandtruthradio.world. You can also download the podcast and not miss an episode at, purposefulllivingpodcast.com (with 3 “L”s).
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You can also find Amy at http://belovedinbluejeans.com/