More about me:
My blogging and writing backstory can be >>read here<< or visit my About page by clicking >>here<<.
Join the community and embrace your calling <<here.
What are my most passionate speaking topics?
My Photography you can “steal”:
“Steal” my photo’s by clicking <<here. (All pictures taken by me. And for stopping by my blog, you have permission to use any this page).
Four of my most popular posts are:
Owning Your Space (& the Art Within You)
The Catapult of Writing (Or Why You Should Write Anything at All)
Why Fear is Afraid of You & Why We Need You
On Dabblings & Hard Surrenders
What I Discovered About Being A Writer/Author:
How Writing on My First Blog Tutored My Soul
8 Things I Learned about Myself While Writing a Book, <<here.
The Risk of Being Undone, “I have wanted to run. Pull down everything I’ve ever written and shut myself away. I have clamped a hand over my mouth and been mute. I have wanted to live in the safety of a no-risk vacuum. ”
For Inspiration:
Get your creative juices flowing and move your Muse to my Pinterest page. I Pin about the Creative life, Writing tips, tools, and quotes; boosts for courage, inspiration, and encouragement for embracing your passion. I also share about hope, permission, redemption, and how to get your work out in the world with online marketing Pins. Find the whole kit-n-kaboodle by clicking >>here<<.
Prefer Twitter? Check out my lists of: Faith & Twitters, Writing & Publishing, Social Media & Marketing, & Reader’s List.