Podcast + Blog



Ep 15: Overcoming Your Past

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Ep 15: Overcoming Your Past

Listen in as Amy and I talk about how we can overcome our not-so-pretty past and how we can be encouraged (and learn) from David’s story. We discuss how we can choose to react when others are cursing or talking about us. Be part of the conversation as we share some of our own challenges in overcoming our prodigal pasts and how you can look forward, give yourself grace, and have a hope of the future.

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Episode 14: The Power of Rest

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Episode 14: The Power of Rest

Does the interruption of your schedule during summer give you permission to rest? Listen in as me and Amy share about bossing our soul in a challenge for us all to be intentional in setting aside time for quiet, reflection, and being with loved ones. We can be #purposeful in making our soul slow down in the midst of a busy society.

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Episode 13: Fear & What it Teaches Us

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Episode 13: Fear & What it Teaches Us

In the scriptures, 241 times in the New King James, “fear not” or “do not fear” appeared in the Bible. 241 times, God took His people into their calling, their purpose, or their next step which required more than their own strength (and courage) to fulfill. 241 times, His people saw glimpses of what He had in store and it seemed too impossible, too big, too fantastical for their imaginations to fathom. 241 times, His people felt the weight of where He was taking them and fear was right there trying to hold them back. But God. Amy and I get vulnerable and honest about our most debilitating fears. And what God is teaching each of us in the process.

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Episode 12: Finding Your Tribe, Community Over Competition, & Fear of Rejection – Interview with Bobbie Shaeperkoetter

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Episode 12: Finding Your Tribe, Community Over Competition, & Fear of Rejection – Interview with Bobbie Shaeperkoetter

Even though Bobbie Schaeperkoetter is a writer, speaker, teacher, YouTuber, community builder, and an empowerer of women, she has struggled to be vulnerable and authentic. Hear what it took for her to leave a place of isolation to step into a place of new community even as she felt inadequate. Learn about the invitation that surprised her and how it brought her defensive walls down.

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Episode 10: What Fostering & Adoption Teaches Us About Parenting–Interview with Jamie Young

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Episode 10: What Fostering & Adoption Teaches Us About Parenting–Interview with Jamie Young

Listen in today as Jamie Young shares with me and Amy about her family’s call to foster and adopt and one of the most valuable insights she’s gained in parenting, one we can all benefit from hearing. If you feel this is something God’s asking of you or if you want to support those in your community who are already fostering or have adopted, join us as we explore the process and the journey through Jamie’s experience. She will give you tools, resources, and encouragement to be a better parent for your kids and a good friend to those called to open up their home. Join us as we discover different tempos of grace, being adaptable, and how we benefit by staying teachable.

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Episode 8: Our Personalities & How It Affects Our Purpose

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Episode 8: Our Personalities & How It Affects Our Purpose

Listen in as Amy and I reflect on how our personalities factor into the way we interact with the world around us. Discover which personality test(s) we’ve found the most useful and consistent and how our personality can influence our purpose. I share one of my favorite profiles that encouraged and affirmed me by giving language to what I already knew about myself but didn’t have the vocabulary or framework for it. This profile can give you an “Aha!” moment of clarity into why you think (or work) like you do.

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Episode 7: Creating Margins for Rest

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Episode 7: Creating Margins for Rest

What tangible ways can we carve out time for ourselves, put up boundaries, and find time to take a deep breath in the middle of a health crisis or an extremely busy season in our family’s life?Amy and I offer some insight (and some confessions) about how we strive to maintain balance as mothers, daughters of aging parents and as entrepreneurs.

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