We are excited to welcome Jamie as she shares her family’s call to foster and adopt in the middle of raising their four biological kids. Listen in as one mother, who already mothered 11 of her younger siblings, realizes that all her parenting practice and years of raising her kids didn’t always provide her with answers.
As parents, our kids teach us a lot about ourselves, especially how desperately we need God’s grace to parent well. And when you blend families through foster or adoption, we learn even more about ourselves than we cared to know.
Listen in today as Jamie Young shares with me and Amy about her family’s call to foster and adopt and one of the most valuable insights she’s gained in parenting, one we can all benefit from hearing.
If you feel this is something God’s asking of you or if you want to support those in your community who are already fostering or have adopted, join us as we explore the process and the journey through Jamie’s experience. She will give you tools, resources, and encouragement to be a better parent for your kids and a good friend to those called to opening up their home.
Join us as we discover different tempos of grace, being adaptable, and how we benefit by staying teachable.
Episodes originally air on the radio every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on Graceandtruthradio.world
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You can find Amy at:
Amy’s Website http://belovedinbluejeans.com/
- The Whole Brained Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind
- ALL IN Orphan Care Exploring the Call to Care for Vulnerable Children and Families
- Confessions of an Adoptive Parent
- FB Page: Confession of an Adoptive Parent
- Karyn Purvis’s encouraging FB Page: Institute of Child Development