“Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.” Psalm 116:7
The Texas temps are in the 80’s and these are the ways we are finding rest. Sure, there are decisions to be made and a graduation speech that still needs saying. But for minutes out of each day, we push the pause button on all our individual activities and have been gathering outside to enjoy moments of silence or of wrestling #teenagers.
Amy and I talk about the power of rest. And how summer interrupts our schedule in a way that gives us permission. Listen in as we share about bossing our soul in a challenge for us all to be intentional in setting aside time for quiet, reflection, and being with loved ones. We can be #purposeful in making our soul slow down in the midst of a busy society.
PurposeFULL Living originally airs every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on graceandtruthradio.world. You can also download the podcast and not miss an episode at, purposefulllivingpodcast.com (with 3 “L”s).
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