“There are different activities, but the same God activates each gift in each person.” -1 Corinthians 12:6 HCSB
Listen in as Amy and I reflect on how our personalities factor into the way we interact with the world around us. Discover which personality test(s) we’ve found the most useful and consistent and how our personality can influence our purpose.
Hear Amy’s informative break down of her favorite personality profile that’ll help you identify your own personality tendencies. You’ll recognize traits that can affect how you relate to others or to social situations. Amy and I also share what we’ve learned about ourselves, how it’s impacted our parenting, work habits, collaborations, and marriage.
For those who struggle to see any good in themselves (wondering what they have to offer), I share one of my favorite profiles that encouraged and affirmed me by giving language to what I already knew about myself but didn’t have the vocabulary or framework for it. This profile can give you an “Aha!” moment of clarity into why you think (or work) like you do.
Episodes originally air on the radio every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on Graceandtruthradio.world
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You can find Amy at:
Amy’s Website http://belovedinbluejeans.com/
- Amy discusses The Myers Briggs Personality Indicator which dates back to the 1920’s and the work of Carl Jung. Developed by a mother/daughter team, (Kathryn Briggs and Isabel Meyers) The indicator began to be used in 1925 as a way to assist people in finding suitable work that matched their typing. Today, the indicator is still used in pr-marriage counseling, work environments, and as a parenting tool. Learn more here:The Myers Briggs Foundation.
- Suggested Reading for The Myers Briggs: Please Understand Me: Character and Temperament Types by Keirsey/ Bates
- Strengthfinders Test