
Listen in today as Jamie Young shares with me and Amy about her family’s call to foster and adopt and one of the most valuable insights she’s gained in parenting, one we can all benefit from hearing. If you feel this is something God’s asking of you or if you want to support those in your community who are already fostering or have adopted, join us as we explore the process and the journey through Jamie’s experience. She will give you tools, resources, and encouragement to be a better parent for your kids and a good friend to those called to open up their home. Join us as we discover different tempos of grace, being adaptable, and how we benefit by staying teachable.

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Listen in as Amy and I share about our journeys when we first walked away from our faith and what it took for us to “come to our senses.”

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Listen in as Amy and I reflect on how our personalities factor into the way we interact with the world around us. Discover which personality test(s) we’ve found the most useful and consistent and how our personality can influence our purpose. I share one of my favorite profiles that encouraged and affirmed me by giving language to what I already knew about myself but didn’t have the vocabulary or framework for it. This profile can give you an “Aha!” moment of clarity into why you think (or work) like you do.

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What tangible ways can we carve out time for ourselves, put up boundaries, and find time to take a deep breath in the middle of a health crisis or an extremely busy season in our family’s life?Amy and I offer some insight (and some confessions) about how we strive to maintain balance as mothers, daughters of aging parents and as entrepreneurs.

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Tune in Bryn, Amy, and Tammy share how taking care of our bodies can be an act of worship and how we can’t walk in our purpose when we are sick and tired. Hear how Bryn finally embraced a reluctant calling to be a “me too” source of hope and encouragement to others as she leads them (and herself) into wholesome lives and mindsets. Join us in a journey toward a more vibrant you–a you that has the energy to fully embrace your (sometimes reluctant) purpose.

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Amy and I talk about the lies we’ve believed, how we broke free, and our (sometimes daily) journey in maintaining it. Tune in as I share how one small group of women, a bible study, and a short drive home revealed the mystery of a familiar deception. Hear how Amy struggled to embrace her beloved-ness and what became her turning point in grasping the depths of God’s love (and freedom) for her.

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