Episode 7: Creating Margins for Rest

Posted By T.H.Meyer | 0 comments


“Come away by yourselves to a remote place and rest for a while.”-Mark 6:31 HCSB

How can we maintain margin and avoid burnout when life events come careening at us? What tangible ways can we carve out time for ourselves, put up boundaries, and find time to take a deep breath in the middle of a health crisis or an extremely busy season in our family’s life?

Amy and I offer some insight (and some confessions) about how we strive to maintain balance as mothers, daughters of aging parents and as entrepreneurs.

We can’t all take a Caribbean cruise when life events hit us hard, but we can find margin, carve out a few moments or an hour for a cup of coffee, a car ride alone, or a long walk to rejuvenate, refocus, and re-enter our lives with fresh energy and perspective.


Episodes originally air on the radio every Thursday at 12:30pm CST on Graceandtruthradio.world 


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You can find Amy at:

Amy’s Website http://belovedinbluejeans.com/





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