Listen in as Amy and I reflect on how our personalities factor into the way we interact with the world around us. Discover which personality test(s) we’ve found the most useful and consistent and how our personality can influence our purpose. I share one of my favorite profiles that encouraged and affirmed me by giving language to what I already knew about myself but didn’t have the vocabulary or framework for it. This profile can give you an “Aha!” moment of clarity into why you think (or work) like you do.
Read MoreHear how I realized the importance (and vanity) of my address when my family moved into a “shack” on our farm and how it’d be a catalyst in finding my true identity in Christ. And listen in as Amy talks about shifting identities in her transition of adult children and the awkward dance of rediscovering her role as a Mom, a wife, and a woman.
Read MoreAfter being sequestered in the writer’s closest, you sorta-kinda-alot just want to bust a move and sing Cyndi Lauper songs.
Read MoreIn the quiet, removed places we meditate words to page. As writers, we go inside ourselves & bring our experiences back to the blinking cursor. Vulnerability develops a story or concept.
Read MoreGod may have to carry us from a dead faint, but nowhere did Webster’s dictionary mention being conscious in order to propel.
Read MoreEvery bit of ground I own, every space I occupy, I’m homesick. I’m homesick with an ache so loud, I can almost hear it growl.
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