Yes, You Should Go to Declare & What You Need to Remember
Lies are unwanted squatters renting space in your head. Remember: not every idea is an emergency & your spirit OUTSHINES your dress size.
read moreArticles, Videos, and Posts that Affected Me this Past Week (Plus a PokemonGo Trailer?)
Warning: Inspirational and encouraging content inside. You might break a smile or shed a tear.
read moreAn Exodus Backstory in My Return to Writing & a Declare Conference Meet-n-Greet
The backstory leads us through refining moments. Each movement, defines where we are today.
read moreHow My “Perfectly” Obsessed Writing Increased My Anxiety for Public Speaking
Meeting writers who’d only read my work online, oh, what rude awakenings they endured! The writing process requires much more work than stream-of-conscience talking. But even knowing that, well…
read moreWin a Kindle Fire, Gift Cards, and More
After being sequestered in the writer’s closest, you sorta-kinda-alot just want to bust a move and sing Cyndi Lauper songs.
read more8 Things I Learned about Myself while Writing a Book
The Critic wrestles the pen out of our hand and so, we add disclaimers until our whole book (or life) is about placating the Critic.
read moreWriting & this Season of Change
In the quiet, removed places we meditate words to page. As writers, we go inside ourselves & bring our experiences back to the blinking cursor. Vulnerability develops a story or concept.
read moreCalling Brave Writers & Why I’m Taking a Blogging Break
I want your brave words to have a place to fly like a flag waving down passengers on this weird information highway. The series will share the courage to operate in your #creativepurpose, as in, how do you fight discouragement, fear, doubts, insecurity, and continue to DO and fulfill your creative purpose with God?
read moreLiving the Propelled Life, Or More Aptly, Not Slamming Doors & Nailing Them Shut
God may have to carry us from a dead faint, but nowhere did Webster’s dictionary mention being conscious in order to propel.
read moreUntil Next Year, Friends–I leave You With Some enCouragement
We all need a break, time to time. This is one of those times. Next month we can catch up but until then–see you on the other side, friend.
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